Thursday, November 27

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to take a moment out of every one's busy day to say Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day spent with friends and family. I am excited to eat and celebrate with my husband's family today and then head up to Cleveland tomorrow to spend some time with my family for the weekend. I love being so close to our families.When we used to live out in LA we could only afford to come home once during the holiday season so we are happy to be back with our families so we can spend time with everybody during this time of year. I hope everyone takes a moment to remember what this day is all about and give thanks for everything around you. I am thankful for my family and friends, my job and my prospects of my new career that are in front of me. I am thankful to everyone who stops by my blog to see what I have to say, I would love to hear how all of you spend your day today!