Tuesday, October 21


So besides sewing another one of my favorite activities is making cupcakes. I don't cook, I wouldn't really even say I bake. But I love to make and decorate cupcakes. I have a few books with different recipes and flavors but for know I usually just use the cake mixes from a box (that's why I say that I don't really bake). I decided a few months ago that I needed something to be "my thing" that I can bring to potlucks or parties. So I decided on cupcakes.

One of my new favorite cupcake ideas is the cupcake cake. I know this is nothing new but I made one for a fourth of July party:

And I just made one for a potluck at work:

Cupcakes are just so much fun! I think I will need one of these next so I can make all sorts of fun cakes. I found these Pink Lemonade Cupcakes on this really cute blog and I may just have to try those next, they look delicious.

Only three days until market!