Wednesday, January 5

New Year's crafty resolutions

I guess it's that time of the year, everyone is looking back at what they accomplished last year and figuring out what they want to accomplish this year. I looked back at my resolutions from 2010 and I can say that I didn't do half bad. Of course there are a few that will carry over into 2011 that still need improvement but overall I think I did ok.

I know it's a little cliche but I am going to post my crafty resolutions anyway.

1 - More craft shows - In 2009 I did 2 shows, in 2010 I did 4 shows. I need to keep growing that number so this year my goal will be 6-8 shows. I did 3 holiday shows in 2010 so I need to concentrate on more spring/summer shows in 2011.

2 - ETSY! - I am horrible at this one, I never have anything in my shop and that's a big problem. I have tons of items just sitting in my studio that could be for sale or perhaps sitting in your closet! I WILL get better at this in 2011.

3 - More sewing and new designs - This is just a general goal that is pretty standard throughout the years. I have sketchbooks full of drawings, I am constantly tearing inspirational images from magazines and bookmarking pages on the Internet. I need to work all these ideas into physical products.

So those are pretty basic resolutions but I think if I follow through with them I will have a successful year. Wish me luck!!