Friday, September 24

How little is too little?

I was helping my sister clean out her sewing room this past weekend and I helped my mom with the same project a few weeks ago (free fabric for me!). Both times we started going through scrap piles. I am a slight hoarder so I have an extremely hard time throwing anything away. I'm not ready for TLC to come film my house or anything but there are a few areas (especially my sewing room) that could use a professional organizer and probably a big dumpster. We got to talking about how hard it is to throw away scraps during or after a sewing project, and she said "how little is too little to save?" I thought this was a very good question because I am guilty, on many occasions, of saving teeny, tiny fabric scraps because what if someday I am working on a project and I need a sliver of green fabric? Yes, these thoughts actually go through my head and no, these projects in need of slivers of fabric never come around.

So how small is too small to keep? My piles and baskets of scraps show me that I obviously think there is no such thing as too small.