Wednesday, September 1

Found! Vintage School Desk

As I walked down to the store today I passed this wonderful vintage school desk sitting in my neighbors front yard - only $30 (I got it for $20)! I grabbed it, paid the wonderful gentleman who owned it and ran home before anyone could try to take it from me. What will I do with this desk? I have no idea but I love it. He told me it was from a school house in Virginia and it is at least 65 - 70 years old - so cool. (I know the pictures aren't too glamorous but my new find is being stored in our unfinished basement which is pretty un-glamorous too.)
Here is a bit of inspiration for me from the good old google image search.

I think I like it in the kids room or play room the best. But I do heart that amazing shop in Paris, I think I need to go sew there someday.