Wednesday, July 15

A Look On The Bright Side

I recently found a new website and immediately put it on my list of favorites. The Bright Side Project is a blog dedicated to giveaways, everyone loves giveaways so everyone will love this site. The great part about this site is that to enter each giveaway you have to answer an inspiring question - not just "why do you want to win this item?" like many blog giveaways. Like: "When and how is the last time you were pleasantly surprised?" or "If you could invent anything, what would it be and how would you use it?" They might not be life altering questions and answers but they are different than most other blogs and it is fun to read all the answers people come up with, they are never the same.

Each month has a theme - July is "Beauty full!" All of the items celebrate, promote, and reflect the beauty in you and in life.

Another bonus is that most of the products that they offer are items that I have never heard of, therefore introducing me to new, fun websites and products. The variety of products is great too! Bags, baby bedding, cookies, and everything else you can think of. They even have their own iphone app!

So, do yourself a favor and stop by The Bright Side Project and take a look around!