Thursday, July 23

I'm so crafty...

No, I am not pregnant. But when I saw this graphic here I laughed out loud and sent it to my sister, who is pregnant. She complains because she doesn't think that she is crafty and she doesn't have any hobbies (I say having two kids, one on the way and a full time job is a good excuse for lack of extra time for hobbies). So anyway I sent her an email with this logo and a link to the site and told her that her protruding belly is a true sign of craftiness. A few of my other favorites include this shirt which I will have to buy for my husband when I am pregnant:

And, of course, I will have to have one of these for my little bundle of joy when he/she arrives in a year or two:

Take a look at the entire website to pick your favorites and get a few gifts for your next baby shower.